Friday, June 22, 2007

The Blog Is Going off line

We'll this seems to be the end of the blog, all efforts will now be switching to facebook, sorry CJ. It's been a wild ride, i'm currently in Perth and loving it, I should be back home soon, thank you all and goodnight!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Crooked Goldberg and some ASS!!!

Ladies and gentelmen "GOLDBERG"


Stack hat!

shipwreck surf break @ Byron
V witt, shauno and I, in surfers , 2 words Jeremy we'll travelled dude, wait a minute complete fuck witt
Us having some beers with Goldberg from Vancouver, any see the resembalence, His nickname was GOLDBERG!!!

Frothing Mate!

Hanging @ A1
Some competition of, we'll who knows

Hot pot mate!!

a lttle surf beach by the light house!! good size for seth GOLDBERG he can't surf! hi there you've reached "TIM......Daun" in all his glory. Listen dude your too wasted to get in the club
Man is this guy wasted,, Denied entrance to the pup and can't believe it

Byron Bay pic's

Some dude from my work he went off like a frog in a sock!!

View of Byron Bay Infamous surf break lennox head,,, Can be absolutely Frothing, and a little tricky @ 8ft

A little bit of a hot pot mate!!!

I'm currently in the Quantas club lounge in Cairns sipping on a whisky and coke, I also have a plate of grapes and cheese using the free internet with a warm refresher towel. Theres about 100 couchs, open bar, printers, copyers, fax machines and the fact that it's 9pm there is about 2 people, I'm currently on my way to Perth, Port Douglas was alot of fun but it's time to move on!! so while I got the net i'm going to try and put as many pic's as I can,
Later mates.
P.S Cape Tribulation was pretty cool, and somone give Kazoo a verble beating for me! Lake Makenzie!!
Sunrise @ st agnes beach on the way up to airlie beach
A really big sandune on Frasier
The denmarks charging the hill, Possible looking for a root at the end mate!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Frasier pic's + Bundaberg

The taste test,,,Hmmmm rum and coke on Tap !!!
We found this sign as the car broke down on the way to airlie beach
Relaxing inThe lake,,,,,Lake Makenzie
The group before the ferry Back to Harvey bay
Outside the factory,,Getting ready for the tour

Frasier Island pic's + 1770

Franziska posing by a tree,,, or is she? on the way to the lookout in 1770
Using the shapes membership and manny's training to help dominate the tree, on the way to the look out 1770
On our way from Indian head to the rock pools, also a little game of ultimate,, wide open Spaces
The rock pools, They are we'll not a bad place to be,,,, how the hell did she get in my shot??? oops!

Taking a pic of Indian head!
The Infamous shipwreck , the gangs all here!

In Cairns

We'll finally made it to Cairns from Sydney it's been quite the journey... stopped in Surfers Paradise, Byron bay, Harvey bay, Airlie beach, the lovely town of Bundaburg home of the Bundaberg rum, Frasier island, slept on St anges beach, Wonderful town of 1770, I head up to cape tribulation tomorow for acouple of nights should be pretty good, but you never really know maybe thats the beauty in it all, it's really hard to upload pic's they don't make it easy so i'm going to try and fire some off. This photo is on Frasier in elie creek.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Byron Bay + Surfers

Oi mates, in Airlie beach right now it's pretty nice. Fraser island was unreal though the highlight of the trip thus far, D'on get stuck in the sand!!!! Off to the pub!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Bali pic's

Leg swelling I challenged the 2 Time Lombok chess champion to a chess hardcore match,,, He handed me my ass!!!!
Johannes, Alex and I enjoying some banana cake from swell and some tea,, an afternoon delight

Bali Pic's

Ubud Monkey temple,,,, There's ALOT of monkey's BIMC hospital near kuta
Getting treated for my leg infections
The Local boys
Kent from Swenden in the yellow, his going back home party
The view from my bed a Perfect A-frame wave

Bali Pic's

The boyz having a game of Shithead!!
Danny from Gremany and I at Ulawatu Ulawatu Probably the most famous Bali Break, It's light camera action even in the Low season in high season the was can be triple over head!

Ulawatu!!! The middle beak called Temple's

Bali Pic's

Dreamland we called the place base camp it's right on the way to the major surf breaks in Bali but stuck between 2 notorious cop shops pulling over westerners on scooter's After surf routine!! the Boyz
Green Balls this Wave almost always has swell, You can get worked here, Keep in mind this is the low season as we'll.
Loading up Lock Stocks jeep that didn't make it up the hill to get out of Dreamland
Dreamland Beach Looking at padung padung andthe right corner is impossibles