Friday, March 23, 2007

Bali pic's

Leg swelling I challenged the 2 Time Lombok chess champion to a chess hardcore match,,, He handed me my ass!!!!
Johannes, Alex and I enjoying some banana cake from swell and some tea,, an afternoon delight

Bali Pic's

Ubud Monkey temple,,,, There's ALOT of monkey's BIMC hospital near kuta
Getting treated for my leg infections
The Local boys
Kent from Swenden in the yellow, his going back home party
The view from my bed a Perfect A-frame wave

Bali Pic's

The boyz having a game of Shithead!!
Danny from Gremany and I at Ulawatu Ulawatu Probably the most famous Bali Break, It's light camera action even in the Low season in high season the was can be triple over head!

Ulawatu!!! The middle beak called Temple's

Bali Pic's

Dreamland we called the place base camp it's right on the way to the major surf breaks in Bali but stuck between 2 notorious cop shops pulling over westerners on scooter's After surf routine!! the Boyz
Green Balls this Wave almost always has swell, You can get worked here, Keep in mind this is the low season as we'll.
Loading up Lock Stocks jeep that didn't make it up the hill to get out of Dreamland
Dreamland Beach Looking at padung padung andthe right corner is impossibles

Bali Pic's

Me, Jerry, and Kate at Bounty the party tourist bar in Kuta Bounty goes off like a frog in a sock

The wait is over for those of you frothing at the bit!!!! a little bit of Indonesian Rupiah