Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Camppbell Gets Beat Twice @ Monopoly

We'll I can't really say too much exept the godfather got greedy and got taken down, I know this hurts but we feel you pain, Monopoly is a tough game ask kazushka he knows all to we'll. I know it's tough to get beaten by the king twice in a row but we all go through bad times . I still really don't know if I was playing Camppbell or GARY BUSEY !! who really knows

Pour One Out While I'm Gone

Ladies and gentelman if you looking for a wild night go to the LC and grab a bottle of Kelly's Revenge, comming in around a pricey $8.00 this stuff packs some serious heat, With a name like that you know there not kidding around.

For Those About To Rock We Salute You!

Hello all,
As most of you know I leave this Sat and will be heading to Shanon's Pub Fri @ 8:00pm. We'll see you there, Maybe.
I'm Out,
Oh and by the way I kicked Cambell's ass at Monopoly, I think he's still liquidating his properties!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Look Back, Finale Thoughts

Enough time has now passed to have a clear perspective on the going away- birthday bash, 50 tiki's, 10 strands of white lights, a semi trailer of pallet's, 1 hospitality suite, 250 jello shooter's, $800 worth of alcohol in the suite, a keg, 200 hot dogs, a broken barbeque, molson canadian couch, jim bean-bean bag chair which is still missing you bastards!, a trampoline , and in excess of 350 people. To tell you the truth I don't think it could have gone better, Probably will be know as the party of summer for most. What I will tell you is if i'm back for next year in time, you can expect it bigger and better. Although things are going to be a little different for next year which we'll get into later, I just want to say thanks to everyone who came out and made it a party to remember, and a special thanks to the people who Just wanted to have a good time, what happend at the end is definatly not happening next year. Bye for now

Thursday, August 17, 2006


What else can I say really, to tell you the truth I still can't believe it. U2 just released more tour dates for Australia, I had to jump at the chance to at least try and get tickets to the sold out tour. As it turns out i succeded, so far me and Seth Goldberg have signed on to the Nov.13 show in sydney @ the Telstra dome, Which will be the last of the three shows in Sydney "I mean really who has 3 shows in one city" would anyone care to know that the first two shows totaling a stagering 150,000 sold out in under one hour, I guess you do need a third show. I'm really excited for Seth to expirience his first U2 show especially General Admission, where you have the best shot of trying to steal Edge's touque. After that show let's say Nov 15th I will be heading to melboune I need to get there in time FOR THE SECOND U2 CONCERT I"M GOING TOO!!! Nov 18th, Thats it I got to go calm myself down!. !Respect everyone + Co-exist!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Since AK got a shout out and he loves it, there would be no point of not mentioning Dave kazushka. Often talked about but not often seen, at a lean 5'1 stacked he will come out at nights and is a force to be reconed with. Whats nice about Dave is he will have no regrets about leaving you in a heap, and has no problem recycling old sayings. What a minute what am I saying, Dave your such a PUSSY. Oh and dave remeber this " even if you are the ugliest, you still might be the sweetest turd in the bowl".

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Take It To The Grave!!!

Only the right people will know the meaning behind the title, but once again we say farewell to Kelly Shriver for another 6 months or so, Where's he going good question why don't you put a blind fold on and throw a dart at a map, I imagine you won't be too far off. Team Red will be running a man down for awhile, the real team Red that is. Best of luck to you in all your endevors and we will see you soon.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Yes a late post indeed but yet one that had to be made, The sounds of the underground tour hit Winnipeg in a fury on Aug 6th, a Big concert for myself because recently I was made into a massive Inflames fan and there were the second last band to hit the stage @ 8:00. Andrew Brigham AKA "Death" and I were on our way to the lineup to get in, in passing Shannon's irish pub we both said jokingly it would be pretty funny if we went in there and they were hanging out having a pint. We'll we didn't go there, we went to the lineup, and it was huge, so we went to elephant castle to kill sometime. An hour passes who walks in "holy shit death I think that's Bjorn from Inflames" we sent a round of jag over then 2 other bandmates showed up so another round of jag it was. We proceeded to make our way over and shoot the shit for about 10 minutes, they we suprisingly welcoming, then we took this picture. The set was short but hang on to your bollocks because mine got ROCKED OFF! right to left Björn Gelotte, Andrew Brigham AKA "Death", Jesper Strömblad, Ian Ferenc, Peter Iwers

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sleeping Bags 101

We'll today was all about finding that perfect sleeping bag, to tell you the truth I've been at it for awhile. What is the perfect sleeping bag? Something small, something light for those warm climate's, and something that fully unzipps into a giant beach blanket just in case the Frisbee match gets a little tiring and you and the ladies need a rest. I enlisted in the help of veteran traveler AK "the nose Kondrat" because this guy really knows. The only places that had something to this standard was Mountain equipment co-op and Wholesale Sports Outdoor Outfitters. The biggest problem is that it seems all the manufacturers are heading in the direction of a cacoon "tapered bottom" I had the luxury of sleeping in one, and can tell you it is something not to be desired. For you future travelers pretty much the only warm climate fully open zip regular sleeping bag is at Wholesale Sports Outdoor Outfitters $104.00 we'll spent. Lookout for this Kondrat guy creeping around a part of Winnipeg near you soon, because this guy IS A MONSTER!

Friday, August 11, 2006

3 weeks and counting

3 weeks until I hop on that plane and start a journey that knows no durration. When the money runs out, when the welcome runs thin. It's a good feeling to know i'll be getting on the plane with an open mind and a open heart.

The trip's planning has worked out quite nicely, In singapore for 3 days, Was going to study Ling shay "the pain of a thousand cuts" but unfortunatly time will not allow this. In Sydney on sept. 7th where Seth Goldberg will be picking me up at the airport. Since I am traveling alone it's kind of a nice feeling knowing i'm not getting completely thrown into another world but more of a small kick in the ass.