Saturday, October 14, 2006

Island Party!

We'll it's been a busy week here, work has been pretty consistent and I'm still getting in plenty of surfs in. This past week there was a women's surf championship at Manly beach I personally didn't get a chance to catch a heat, although Layne Beachly competed and I later found out that she grew up not too far from Manly. Big day out tickets are on sale now another outdoor festival with Tool, The killers, Jet, Nevermind just checked it sold out. On Oct 31st Bernard fanning will be playing the horden pavilion as a solo artist, for those of you who do not know who that is it's the singer from Powderfinger. Works going good should be in sydney for another 4 months to save up then travel.

Goldie came down with a sudden case of the !dose unidentified! which allowed me to take his place and go to an industry party for muse, ferry ride to cockatoo island, free drinks, good dj, sweet band, I mean really going there didn't suck! to describe it, it looked like an old prison island, with a crazy cargo container with a rocking party. Here's some pic's for you.
P.S call nbsapparel or e-mail and tell them to update the website!!!!!it's time


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were working on it (new website). Nothing comes cheap or fast around here man and with so many things to move where does one find the time. Best to just wait it out until winter subsides and start again in the summer once we unthaw. Really though it should be up in the next day or so.

later surfer dudes

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice dawg!!!,, i'm keen

2:48 AM  

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