Thursday, February 22, 2007

In Bali!!!

We'll i've landed in Bali, what I can I say it's everything you would expect and more. When I got off the plane the customs agent wanted Canadian money from me for him, he was sitting in the little box from 1962. Jerry picked me up at the airport to my suprise he had rented a scooter and to even more of a suprise my surfboard and big back pack and 2 fully grown men fit on the scooter. Ahhh lets see road rules it's simple there are none an absolute canundrum. Kuta is a crazy place much like Mexico in the sense of there are lots of Hawkers, Popies lane one and two are pretty full on, I stayed in Popies 2 it's close to the main drag where are the clubs are. Close to Bounty the most popular club for travelers was the site of the 2002 Bali bombs it's just an empty lot now and next to it there is a big memoreal. It went off the first couple of nights in kuta then it was off to see the thunderous reef breaks.
Bali is know for having perfectly shaped waves and its true, i'm staying in dreamland right now which is really fun away from everything just huts on the beach waves and cool people from all over the world. I surfed my first single overhead wave the other day probably one of the scariest things i've ever done, when you paddle your ss off and don't make it and your at the top one a single overhead wave it seems like it's 12ft straight down to the bottem of the wave, when you get caught on the inside so infront of the wave and it breaks just infront of you, you have to hold on as tight as you can and duck dive 12 ft of white wash and hopefully you don't get burried and these are the small waves, there are world class waves here although this is the low season, Ulawatu, Green Balls, Impossibles impressive to watch impressive to sit on the shoulder and watch these mountains chase people. we'll I'm off time for some Nasi goreng.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Post Bro, Lets seem some photos of these crazy waves, better yet take some pics of tities and shit for me man.. any nudie beaches? scope it out and let me know .. SUP!! S.B.T-3 April 4th Baby!!..

8:16 AM  

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